Healthcare experience


havas network

Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to freelance within the Havas network of healthcare agencies on multiple clients.

In 2019, I was brought in to Havas H4B to concept on a new campaign for the Veltassa HCP business. I returned in 2022 and spent a year as a Group Copy Supervisor on both the Veltassa and Korsuva HCP accounts. These medicines address issues commonly experienced by people with chronic Kidney Disease. Work included Social media, display banners, routing, convention materials, annotating and fact checking.

In 2023, I was brought in as a Group Copy Supervisor on Veozah HCP, a medicine for women expereincing hot flashes. Work included Social media, display banners, routing, convention materials, annotating and fact checking.

And in 2024, I spent 9 months with Havas CX/Arnold Helath as the Group Copy Supervisor on Beyfortus, intially focused on the DTC launch campaign rollout and then expanding my duties to support the Beyfortus HCP team as well. Work included social media carousels and videos, display banners, emails, brand planning, web copy, articles, SMS campaign, etc. and annotating and fact checking on the HCP business as well.

Feature 2

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Feature 3

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Donec ac fringilla turpis.